How to detect scams

After observing hundreds of sites we made a guideline to recognize fraudulent ones if you respect those you should be safe while buying on the deep web.

  1. Avoid poorly coded sites - How someone who isn't capable of producing a clean, working site could operate online criminal activities?
  2. If the BTC address you need to pay on has already been used, then it's a scam - The seller can't recognize that it's you and not someone else.
  3. Too good to be true - No one is here to give away things, if you need to pay 25USD for something worth 300USD then its a scam
  4. Also no one will sell you already laundered money, what would be the point of doing that?
  5. No one has 100% good feedback, even Amazon. It's the same here - If they claim to have 100% happy customers then it's a bait.
  6. Revolutionary methods to make money like bitcoin generators, monero botnets or gambling games with incredible ROI are scams, again too good to be true
  7. Too simplistic websites with just an email address for example, are also likely scams.
  8. Pay attention to sellers who use escrow websites - If it's not a popular one then it's a scam, verify this on our site before going further.
  9. Never use online bitcoin wallets - They will run away with your coins.
  10. Avoid sites requiring javascript - They can possibly discover your real IP if you enable it.
  11. Always double check URL in few catalogs. Add confirmed URL's to your bookmarks in your web browser.
  12. If someone suggest you to release escrow before you get ordered stuff, it is a scam!
  13. If someone suggest you to use communication without encryption, or PGP, or tells you that Session or Signal is not secure, then someone is trying to lower your OPSEC. It's a scam.

Source: Hidden Services Today