
Shop list is harder to control and check credibility. Always check the reputation of the seller on the popular market. Always verify PGP key.

Before you buy

Check news, exit scam info and reputation about shops and vendors. Use catalog below and also our dead market list. Always double check URL's in two or even three sources, e.g. catalogs. Trust, but verify. Don’t trust blindly. After all, bookmark links you like. The safest place for links is your browser bookmarks. If you decide to buy drugs, make sure you wont harm yourself, read The Drug Users Bible .

Multi vendor shops

MagBoo 💎 - Onion

Vendor Shops

Digital Thrift Shop 💎 - Onion - Dread /d/dts/
SmokersCo - Onion
Tribe Seuss - Onion
PrescoxySquad - Onion
KG Pusher - Onion
Monsterlabstore - Onion
DMT Carts - Onion
Best Benzos - Onion
Gotmilk Pharmacy - Onion
Pygmalion's Refuge - Onion
The Spitzenkörper - Onion